Christmas 2024
Glory to God in the highest, and peace to people of good will.
Dear Friends of the Missions!
Christmas is about reflecting on the great mystery of God's love for man.
Pope Francis in his latest encyclical directs our focus to the Heart of Jesus, which is always open and ready to give us love, forgiveness and the fullness of grace. The Heart of Jesus is the source of living water that can quench the thirst of every human heart, the real help in overcoming the difficulties of everyday life and
the hope that cannot disappoint. To this Heart we must entrust the vocations and services of the missionaries.
May we show our gratitude to God, who out of love became Man and was born in a poor grotto in Bethlehem, by our prayers and financial gifts to missionaries who proclaim with words and deeds this great love of the Heart of Jesus in
the farthest corners of the world. In this manner, financial assistance to our brothers and sisters in mission territories becomes a gift to the newborn Jesus. God, who became a Child, wants us to see and love Him in the poorest and the lowly of the world. Thus, the peace and blessing of the Heart of Jesus will become ours. When we experience the fullness of His love, Christmas will come into our hearts. We wish this to you with sincere thanks for your prayers and help.
May Mary, who gives us the Son of God anew every year, surround us with the mantle of her motherly care and tender love! May God bless you abundantly with His Love, His Grace, and His Peace!
Please help us re-construct Tay Linh church. It was built 60 years ago and now due to severe weather it is damaged and has become dangerous for our parishioners. The people are conscious of this need and for two years have been saving, but with their low incomes and poverty they have not been able to raise enough for this work, which is really urgent. Please do help us in this need. May God’s abundant blessings be upon you.
Fr. Joseph Phan van Quyen, Tay Linh, Hue - Vietnam
Home for the aged
When we started working with the quechua speaking people in the villages we found many abandoned elderly people. Their children moved to cities in search of work, leaving their parents in extreme poverty. So the idea came to build a home for them. We have received help from many benefactors and have reached the roofing stage, but now our funds are exhausted and we need your help. Please support us in our mission to provide a safe place for poor elderly. I assure you of our prayers invoking God’s blessings upon you and your families.
Sr. Olga Marina Fuentes Arias HFIC, Sicuani – Peru
School Gate
With the present insecurity in West Cameroon our simple school gate is no longer safe. Please help us protect the 173 girls in the dormitory as well as the day students. All these come from very poor families. Some of their parents have been killed, others escaped for their lives. They need an environment of peace and security. We will greatly appreciate your assistance.
Sr. Rosaria Karngong TSSF, Shishong, Kumbo - Cameroon
We run St. Antony’s Boy’s Home for street children in Hewadiwela and and we are currently in urgent need of a vehicle. . It would serve the Fathers working in the Home and serve for the various needs of the children welcomed here. Please help us. May God bless you and keep you.
Fr. Robin Arackaparambil SCJ, Hewadiwela, Ratnapura - Sri Lanka