Sr Jola's Vocation
My Vocation is love
I grew up in a large family as I have fifteen brothers. While my parents were working, we looked after the maternal grandparents who lived in the same house. As a young girl I thought a lot about what I would do when I grew up. As a child playing with my brothers and sisters, I pretended to be a teacher, saleswoman, fire fighter, doctor, but especially a mother with a numerous family. Instead, the lord had for me a different vocation which he revealed to me little by little, but…as often happens, I did not understand it at that time. Later I wonder how I could be a good Samaritan to help those in need and what place I had reserved for God in my life.
My grandfather’s death marked a turning point in my search. I will never forget the moment when I saw him in the hospital. He was in a coma. I held his hand in mine and spoke to him while he held me tight, and I saw tear fall on his face. I could not do anything for him but only stand by him and pray to the lord to help him. Grandfather left us the next day. His death and the last moments next to him helped me understand how important small daily gestures are; the simple presence, ‘’the hold by the hand’. The lord had helped me through those difficult events to discover within me the desire to live in religious life for him and for others. Soon afterwards I met the missionary sisters of St. Peter Claver. The charism, the work, and the life of the foundress Blessed Mary Theresa Ledochowska, were the answers to my questions about the meaning of life. We gave ourselves totally and without reservation. We renounce our personal projects to be able to dedicate ourselves to those in need of salvation,’’ said our foundress. I answered affirmatively to the call of Jesus and now every day I learn to receive the gift of my vocation. For me I left my personal projects and loved ones whom I love very much. But it was difficult… in return the lord gave me much more, and our family ties have become ever stronger. I will never forget the image of my parents when I told them of my decision to be a sister. My parents accepted my vocation, accompanied me and helped me, despite the pain of separation. I am grateful to them for all they have done for me and for my brothers and sisters.
On December 8th, 2008 feast of Mary Immaculate, I pronounced the first religious vows in the presence of my loved ones and my religious sisters. These are the people who taught me to love, to believe and to pray. My strongest desire at this moment of my perpetual profession of the religious vows, is to be faithful to my vocation and to know how to give of myself joyfully everyday.