Sr Shanty's Vocation
My Vocation is Love
The year of 2016 is memorable one in my life since the lord has sustained me to this very day to celebrate the 25th year of my religious profession. The lord has done marvellous things during these years being a religious in the religious family of Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver. Each individual is precious in the sight of God, and he has his own plan in the life of individual. Every single day of my life is designed by his divine plan and he nurtures me by giving me enough water to grow accordingly to his plan. It is because of his grace I am what I am today. Yes, today I am Sr. Shanty SSCP., who completed 25 years of my religious life. When I was very small girl, St. Peter Claver Sisters taught me catechism and prepared me for my first holy communion. I was active in my parish as a girl and I was a member in the legion of Mary, the Sisters are the coordinators. I came to know more about the charism of the congregation through these Sisters. In my small age I use to read the life of St. Theresa of child Jesus, because she is the patroness of my parish and also a great missionary at all time. These aspects and many other virtues of her life were always inspiring me, and I too wanted to be like her by becoming a religious Sisters in a missionary congregation.
As I came to know the sisters in my parish and their missionary activities, I was more attracted towards their congregation. After my 10thclass my uncle wanted me to learn some professional course because he had the plan to take me to Gujarat, where he was working. I stared to learn type writing and shorthand, but the call of God urged me to join the congregation before finishing the course. Today I am a missionary sister by being a member in the congregation of the missionary sisters of St. Peter Claver.
On 15th of August 1986, I entered as a candidate in the missionary Sisters of Peter Claver, which is situated in the same parish, where I was born and brought up. During my initial stages of my religious life I learned so many good things above all I learned to love God through my small activities as a small missionary in the community. As I say in the beginning if he wants us to be his own, he will fulfil his plan in our lives. After my formation, on 2nd February 1991, I made my first profession along with other three companions.
After my studies I made my final profession on July 6th, 1997 in Rome. As a young religious I could serve my Lord in many ways as a humble servant and as a small missionary. I served the missionary church in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and in Europe. God’s ways are marvellous, I renounced everything my parents, brothers, sisters, all my loved ones and my own land guided me and wanted me as his missionary to spread his message of love to others. Wherever I was sent I never missed anything. Today I am very happy being a missionary in the religious family of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver.
On 26thApril 2016, on the day of my silver jubilee celebration. I renewed and pronounced once more my religious commitment along with my companions. I had no word to express my gratitude to my Creator; my life itself is a symbol of gratitude to the Lord. The rest of my life I desire to be a true and zealous missionary in the missionary church and serve the lord all the days of my life. My vocation is love and a free gift given by the Lord.