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There is nothing more sublime that gives glory to God than to cooperate with Him in the salvation of souls.










The postulancy has the purpose of verifying and completing the human, Christian and spiritual education of the candidate so she may reach that maturity which allows her to freely and knowingly assume the obligations of the Claverian consecrated life.


A postulant studies the charism of the congregation and dedicates herself to Christian and spiritual growth, which will lead her to the maturity that will allow her to respond freely to Jesus’ call.



When a postulant is ready to continue her response to Jesus’ call, she enters the Novitiate, a period of formation when the Religious life formally begins.


Above all, the novices are called to discern their vocation in the lived experience of following Christ chaste, poor and obedient. They experience the lifestyle of the Congregation and study the Claverian spirit in the light of the teachings of the Church and the example of the Foundress.


In this two-year program of formation, a novice studies Scripture, spirituality, and other subjects, and deepens her personal relationship with Jesus, which will make her ready to give herself totally to Him through religious vows.


















First Vows

At the end of the novitiate, the novice makes temporary religious profession for one year, assuming by her public vows the obligation to live the three evangelical counsels according to the constitutions of the Congregation. With first profession, Consecrated Life begins. During this initial period, the sister, supported by the community, continues her formation and develops the diverse aspects of her vocation, with a view to her perpetual profession.


On the day a novitiate takes her first vows, she receives:

  • A veil, as the sign of her consecration

  • Constitutions, that will guide her throughout her religious life

  • A crucifix, which reminds her of her special relationship with Jesus,                                                                the Saviour of the world, who gave His life for her

  • A medal of St. Peter Claver on a red cord, the symbol of belonging to 

       the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver















Final Profession

Perpetual profession expresses total and definitive consecration to God in the congregation. 


After a minimum of six years, a sister makes the final profession of vows and is fully incorporated into the congregation.


Her religious consecration is for the missions, so that all would come to know and love God. She receives a ring, a reminder of her Spousal relationship with Jesus, Whom she is to love with her whole heart.


After her final vows, a Sister continues her formation through daily conversion of heart, prayer life, apostolic updates, and continual growth in the charism of the Foundress.

The first and most difficult moment for a young woman is when she leaves the world and her way of life behind, and takes a step into a new life in the convent. After a young women is admitted to the congregation, she begins a period of formation called postulancy.

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