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Writer's picturePeter Claver

March Against Trafficking

The Union of Major Superiors in Rome arranged a March today in Rome to mark the international day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking on the Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, 8th Feb, 2018.

When we hear of children, men and women deceived and taken to unknown places for sexual exploitation, forced work and organ sales, our hearts are outraged and our spirit pained because their dignity and their rights are trampled on with threats, lies and violence.

Let us pray for them:

Oh God, help us to fight all forms of slavery. We ask you, together with Saint Bakhita, to end human trafficking. Grant us the wisdom and the courage to bring us closer to all those who have been wounded in body, heart and soul, so that together we can realise your promise of life and tender and infinite love for these exploited brothers and sisters.

Touch the hearts of those responsible for this grave crime and support our commitment for freedom, your gift for all your children. Amen

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