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Who will pray for me?


This is a question we ask ourselves when we reflect seriously. Often we remain without a reply.

The Union of Masses is precisely a response to this need.

Let us not forget those who are dear to us,

and enroll them, if we have not done so already, in the Union of Masses on behalf of the missions.

The Union of Masses was started in 1909 by Bl. Mary Theresa Ledóchowska, Foundress of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, and it was approved by Pope St. Pius X who was the first to enroll himself in it. This is a spiritual treasure which you have at your disposition. You can enroll whoever you wish: yourself, your relatives, friends, or those for whom you wish to pray in a special way. Those  enrolled while living, continue after death to benefit of this enrollment.


Each year the Sisters of St. Peter Claver commit themselves to have 500 Masses celebrated for all those who are enrolled, living or deceased.


Offerings received are in aid of the Missions. Enrollment is always per person (never for a family or group of people together). The minimum contribution for enrollment is $10 per person.


Please let us know if you wish to receive an enrollment card.

©2020 Copyright of the Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver.


14 Connaught Circle - Toronto, ON  M6C 2S7 - Tel. 416-781-3925

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